559-299-5531 | 310 Clovis Ave Clovis, CA 93612
Auto Repair in Clovis, CA
ASE Certified Technicians

Clovis Garage, Trusted Auto Service and Repair, is a full-service preventive maintenance and auto repair center. We service and repair all imported and domestic cars and trucks. You can expect timeliness, professionalism and quality service for your car. We also take care of YOU - with a warm waiting room, a free shuttle service to take you to work or home after you've dropped off your car, and a 24-hour key drop that enables you to leave your car with us at your convenience.
To keep your vehicle running properly at all times, we offer a number of services in the Clovis, CA 93612 area that are carried out by our certified, expert auto service and repair technicians who have years of experience performing everything from oil changes to a complete engine overhaul.
We use high-tech diagnostic equipment to guarantee your vehicle is repaired and/or serviced correctly the first time around, and we only use the highest quality replacement parts, filters, oils, and components when it comes to your car.
Our services include:
- Fuel Injection Service
- Cooling System Exchange
- Power Steering Fluid Replacement
- Transmission Fluid Exchange
- Tire Rotation
- Brake Inspection
- Battery Service
- Aquapel(R) Windshield Treatment
- Air Conditioning Ventilation Cleaning
- AC Repair
- Asian Vehicle Repair
- Brakes
- Car & Truck Care
- Domestic Cars & Trucks
- Electric and Hybrid Vehicle
- Electrical Services
- Electronic Services
- Engine & Transmission
- Engine Maintenance
- European & Import Vehicle Repair
- Expired Warranty Care
- General Services
- Heating and Cooling Services
- Heavy Duty Repair
- Inspections and Emissions
- Miscellaneous Services
- Transmission Services
- Undercar Services
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Rich Smiths near Clovis, CA
Professional, prompt, and complete....we were very pleased with the work of Clovis Garage in correcting a starting problems with our Nissan Sentra. Their quote was complete and there were no surprises. We are very happy with their work.